While many companies talk about traceability, Down Under Enterprises is ready. With every kilogram of essential oil produced, we generate extensive amounts of data to document the whole process -- from production to delivery.
Our custom-designed farm management system captures all agricultural operations associated with the creation of our essential oils – from the seeds we plant to the farm activities we undertake to bring the plants to harvest, to how each batch is lab-tested for quality assurance.
Every batch of product we produce undergoes a thorough Quality Control procedure. While our Operations staff coordinate the details, our system manages the process. No order is shipped, nor Certificate of Analysis (COA) generated without this guarantee.
Every batch, every oil, every time.
Whether you’re with us on blockchain or a more manual process, we continue to track each batch of oil from the farm to the distillery, into our drums, and directly to you.
Traceability is a key tenant in our quality promise and we are focused on our efforts to uphold this commitment to you.
Head Office and Operations 19A Boundary Street, Darlinghurst Sydney, NSW 2010