What is Biochar? Key Benefits and Insights

Posted by: Nila | 14 Mar, 2023

Biochar is a type of charcoal produced by heating organic material such as wood or agricultural waste at very high temperatures. Through this pyrolysis process, the biomass is converted into a stable form of carbon and can be used as fertilizer or soil amendments. 

The distillation process to obtain Essential Oils generates a great amount of biomass waste. Some producers leave this on site to naturally biodegrade, others like Buhlambar, our essential oil farm, use the biomass to produce a beautiful compost which is reapplied to our fields as organic fertilizer.

Our Eucalyptus Kochii and Yandee™ Oil farmer installed a continuous pyrolysis plant to turn waste biomass into biochar, an almost pure form of carbon with a half-life in the range of 200 to more than 1000 years.

The carbon sequestration of the spent biomass (post-distillation) of Australian Eucalyptus Oil (Eucalyptus kochii) and Eucalyptus Yandee™ (Eucalyptus loxophleba) is achieved under a controlled and entirely enclosed pyrolysis of the biomass, producing its own fuel source and capturing the smoke emissions in a product called wood vinegar. The waste products (biochar and wood vinegar) become valuable downstream products in today's zero-carbon economy. This process has a “Zero Waste Stream” – no CO₂ is released into the environment.

Biomass of Eucalyptus
Biomass of Eucalyptus
Collocate Eucalyptus Biomass
Collect the Biomass of Eucalyptus post-distillation.
biochar process
Process the biomass into biochar
kochii yandee biochar in hand
Biochar in hand

Between Jan 2016 and Dec 2021, there was a 420.27% global increase in carbon-neutral claims on packaging across all end-use consumer categories. Bold and genuine commitments to sustainability, like carbon neutrality and traceability, can help fragrance brands win consumers’ trust.

Read more about carbon neutral as a top 10 global cosmetic trend. 

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